Purchase transactions with Gruppo Granvela occur without intermediation costs. This feature allows us to ensure further added value to those who contact our sales network directly.

Granvela S.p.A. is the holding of a group that has been synonymous with reliability and competence in the real estate market for 60 years. It stands out because of its particular capacity to achieve, modernize and give value to highly functioning,

elegant and detail-oriented projects. Its activities address both the purchase of entire buildings and their construction with subsequent direct sales of individual property units, mainly for residential purposes.



Milan - Via Rucellai 37

  mq 15  € 0

Land for greenfiel

Milan - SP 101/Mallero

  mq 221000  € 0


Milan - Via Rucellai 37

Several rooms  mq 320  € 950.000

Parking space

Milan - Via Melchiorre Gioia 72

  mq 10  € 27.000


Milan - Via F.lli Bressan, 30

  mq 84  € 152.000


Monza - Viale Elvezia 14 Monza

Open space  mq 790  € 550.000


Varese - Via Morazzone 12

5 rooms  mq 155  € 215.000